This device can be used to deliver a painful blow to an assailant. They are extremely easy to use, and nearly anyone can be trained to use one. The tool is made of aircraft aluminum and looks like a simple keychain to would-be attackers.
Carry the power of defense with you at all times. These devices are perfect for defense on the go and can give anyone that edge when faced with an attacker. Our keychain devices are made from aluminum and are very strong, hard and solid, yet light-weight. This item is perfect for window breaking to skull bashing. We included a free key chain that will make this item easy to carry as well as perpetuate the look of a harmless key chain charm. The tip of the device features a very distinct point, while the ridges that run up and down it make it very easy to grab and grip. Get your hands on this amazing addition to Public Safety today and deal some damage of your own.